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Search the Public Records Database

The StateReference Massachusetts database contains over 100,000 documents collected from state agencies, municipalities, and police departments.

Newest Records

Request #2024-0971 (Plymouth, MA - Public Records)

Request for public records made to Town of Plymouth by Rick Sobey.

Request #2024-0152 (Malden, MA - Controller)

Request for public records made to City of Malden by Malden NewsNetwork.

Request #2024-0149 (Malden, MA - Parking)

Request for public records made to City of Malden by Malden NewsNetwork.

Request #2024-0143 (Malden, MA - School)

Request for public records made to City of Malden by Malden NewsNetwork.

Browse Newest Records

What can I find in the database?

Police Internal Affairs

Over 3,000 documents including spreadsheets showing the disposition of internal investigations, Brady disclosure letters, and entire case files. Also see submissions to the POST Commission.

Public Records Requests Logs

Logs showing requests municipalities have received under the Massachusetts public records law.

Appeals to the Public Records Division

Determinations made by the Supervisor of Records related to requests for public records.

Labor and Collective Bargaining

Find grievances filed by unions and individuals with The Department of Labor Relations and The Civil Service Commission. We also have union contracts from municipalities across the state.


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About Us

StateReference Massachusetts is still in development. During this beta period, StateReference is completely free of charge.

We are in the process of collecting records from state agencies and municipalities, with a particular focus on law enforcement.

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