Town of Erving

Our collections contain 3 items and 18 documents where this municipality is the custodian.

Newest Requests

Listed below are the newest items we have received from Town of Erving. Click here for the complete list.

POST Commission Submission (Erving Police Department)

Request for public records made to Town of Erving by Jeff Raymond.

Communications Regarding Sgt. Adam Paicos (Erving, MA)

Request for public records made to Town of Erving by Walter Wuthmann.

Internal Investigation Adam Paicos (Town of Erving Police Department)

Request for public records made to Town of Erving by Grace Ferguson.

Additional Resources

We may have records that reference Town of Erving but originated from other agencies. Search StateReference for all records mentioning Town of Erving.

You may also wish to browse the municipality's website at